
My Audience - Opinions and Feedback

In conclusion to my audience feedback and opinion polls, the type of person who would be interested in my music video are part of a niche audience, for the song itself is of the indie rock genre and the majority of my audience are generally more interested in artists on an independent label. 
So far, 18 people have responded to the questionairre giving positive results which I will base my music video around.
The most popular type of music video is performance and abstract so I will try to combine these elements in my own work. I originally had the idea to include animations so I will test this technique before making my music video to see if it is effective or not - a narrative would be nice to include with the animations. Most of my audience are of the C1/B social class category who have more money to spend on luxuries like CDs. The final product should appeal to both male and female for 46% of my audience are male and 53% are female with about 90% in the 16-24 age range. People of this age are mostly students who can afford to spend their money on music and have spare time to sit and enjoy music videos.

My target audience will be fans of The Maccabees. The Maccabees are a vibrant band who are stylish and often seem to wear bright colours. Also looking at the average statistics of their music videos and live performances on YouTube, the majority of the people watching these videos are between 14 and 24 and are female.  Fans of this particular kind of music will enjoy light, fun pop music. Stop animation is used in their music video for ‘Latchmere’ which presents them in a creative and young spirited way. My audience will reflect this – they will like socialising and listening to music. Their preferred music genres will include rock and alternative music and be a regular gig-goer while having a high interest and understanding of various artists.

The majority of my audience is from the East Riding area. stereotypically, people who live in that area are from a more well-off family, however this is not always the case. But Hull is not the most culturally-diverse city in Britain so genres such as pop and R&B are much more popular. Vinyl music has also become more fashionable nowadays which is normally produced by more alternative artists.


Deconstruction and Reconstruction: Evaluation

During the reconstruction of Birdy's version of Shelter, our group was faced with plenty of challenges which had to be quickly resolved in order for our video to be successful. This video, we decided, was the most realistic one we could shoot within the time limit for I had ideas for locations and camera techniques although it would be difficult for it is not a fast-edited track so we had to be steady and smooth with every shot.

When filming, we found that once we started the filming, our initial roles naturally changed and the team did what they felt comfortable doing, however in a big group, it is easier for some members to take on more responsibilities so it was difficult to make sure everyone participated sufficiently. We decided that half the group would do the filming and half would do the editing however we found more help was needed with the editing rather than the filming.
Since the music video we were reconstructing was set in a wood, we planned to film at Beverley Westwood where the setting was perfect and could capture the feel of the video. We found a time when most of the filming crew were available which was in the evening – we thought this was a good idea but that evening it poured down with rain so we were unable to do any shooting. We were just one week from the deadline with no filming and we knew we needed time for editing so we decided to use the trees at the bottom of our college field, however it was a bright sunny day, which was inconvenient for the setting we wanted – we thought we could resolve this issue in editing.
Due to members of the group not turning up at the times we had arranged, the editing fell to Olivia, Amy, Natasha and I. When we started editing, we found the original editing team had spent an hour on about 5 seconds of the film which was too slow and out of time so unfortunately we had to start the task again. The group had not taken into account when planning the task that certain members were at University open days, and one member went on holiday which the rest of the team were unaware of.

The initial problem was having too many people working on one task because it is easy for people to sit back and let other members of the group do all the work, even if it was not planned that way.

From this experience I have learned to make sure there is enough time for editing because, if the video is properly planned, the filming will not take long at all.