
Narrative Theory

1984: Michael Shore debated that music videos were just surface without substance. They were vanity of the moment and recycled styles. They are simulated experiences and created for adolescent male fantasies. They focus on power and wealth. They are classical storytelling motifs and they are image and style scavengers.

1992: Andrew Goodwin debated that multi discursive phenomena of Western culture and was dominated by advertising references, film pastiche and reinforce the postmodern ‘re-use’ tradition.

1999: Sven Carlsson debated that the ideology of a music video reflects the materialistic, violent, celebrity orientated, consumer driven culture. For example, the way Lady Gaga exhibits herself shows materialisation of the commercial exhibitionist - she is selling an image – “a modern mythic embodiment”. The televised bard is a performer who uses television as a medium, singing banal lyrics. An ‘Electric Shaman’ shifts between multiple shapes. This type of performer constantly changes their image, reflecting society’s latest fashion, sound, social concepts and concerns.