I have imported my images onto the After Effects program.
These are my initial drawings I created in Photoshop. I developed my illustrations and edited the colours.
I found it difficult to get the right shape of the head and make the colours work because i thought this one was looking too much like Zelda. I wanted deviate from becoming too cartoon-based.
I created this grass effect with the paint brush tool and experimented with different shades of green. I like the contrast between the detail here and simplicity of the surroundings such as the cartoon sun.
When I finished my character and chosen the colours, I then duplicated him so I could make different expressions to use in different points of time. The original image does not have a mouth so his expression remains vacant when nothing drastic is happening in the video, for example when he is walking someone, he wont have to have a constant smile on his face.
I used a blurred paint brush tool to create this whirlwind effect, experimenting with different colours to get a psychedelic visual. I can then use the editing program to place my image over this background and get him to spin as if he is falling into nothingness.
This is one of the backgrounds for my music video. I first drew the floor and sky by changing the opacity of the brush which gives the images different tones. I found a leaf shape on the paint brush tool and varied the size of the brush. I then copied a picture of a tree from Google onto a new layer and went over it with a fine brush. Once I had been over it on a new layer, I could get rid of the copied image which left me with my own. I did this three times with three different outlines and made them various sizes to create the feel that they are heading back into the distance.
I drew the outline of the fish and added the wings onto the image on a new layer so they can be moved - which will help give the illusion that it is flying. Again, I changed the opacity of the brush to give a more detailed effect. It was difficult to make the fish look evil without it being comedic.
I have duplicated certain parts of the drawing so he could have different facial expressions or body movements. For example, I have drawn opened eyes and blinky eyes on different layers.
I drew the octopus in Photoshop but I thought having it block grey would blend in with the background too much and looked quite dull so I changed the opacity of the brush tool to highlight certain areas so the drawing looks more interesting and looks more like a painting. I originally had some of these images in colour so when I decided to change my narrative I had to change the colours and overall appearances of some of my characters.
I have drawn alternative sun rays on different layers so, when animating, they can move independently from each other. I had to give the sun a an outline because the yellow blended in too easily to the background so the image was not as effective.
I am drawing a wave on a different layer each time, using the graphic tablet, which helps with keeping the constant shape. To create the illusion of the waves moving and looking further away, I have drawn the waves smaller and more frequently.